family portrait silhouette

Family Portraits Are So Important

Family Portraits Are So Important


The family foundation shapes our lives and fills our hearts with love, joy, and warmth. Our family members are the ones who share our journey through thick and thin, highs and lows. They are the ones who lift us when we fall and celebrate our achievements with us. That’s why capturing family portraits is so vital!

Each family member is a precious gem that adds unique value to our lives. From the wise and loving grandparents to the cute and mischievous little cousins, they all hold a special place in our hearts. Our family grows and evolves with time, creating new memories and milestones that we want to hold onto forever.

Family portraits allow us to freeze these precious moments, showcasing the growth and change each year. From the first steps of our little ones to their first day of school, high school graduations, and beyond, these photographs capture the essence of our family’s journey, creating a beautiful and timeless story that we can share with future generations.

Beyond milestones, family portraits also capture the simple yet precious moments of our lives. Those moments of laughter, joy, and love fill our hearts with warmth and happiness. These photographs remind us of the memories we create together: a day at the park, a picnic by the river, or simply spending quality time at home.

Photography is a POWERFUL tool.

Photography is a powerful tool that allows us to relive these moments repeatedly, creating a lasting legacy of our family’s love and bond. So, if you want to celebrate your family’s journey and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime, don’t hesitate to capture your family’s portrait. After all, family is not just an essential part of life; it’s everything!

Family silhouette on beach by ocean

7 Tips For Better Family Photos With Your Smartphone

7 Tips For Better Family Photos With Your Smartphone

Practical Photography Guides for Parents

As a family-oriented photographer, I understand how important it is to capture precious moments with our loved ones. With today’s smartphones boasting impressive camera capabilities, there’s no need to invest in expensive equipment to get great photos. While it’s always a good idea to hire a photographer to document the whole family, parents often take on the role of photographer. In this guide, we’ll share our top tips and tricks to help you capture stunning photographs of your family that you’ll cherish for decades.

Tip #1

Lighting Is Key

When it comes to photography, lighting is everything. The way light falls on your subject can make or break a photo. Light can change the mood, highlight features, and even create shadows that add depth. The best pictures get made when there’s plenty of natural light available. When taking photos indoors, position your subject near a window or an open door to let in as much natural light as possible. If you’re photographing outside, avoid the harsh midday sun and opt for early morning or late afternoon when the light is softer and more flattering. 

Tip #2

Find Interesting Angles

Experimenting with different angles can take your photos from ordinary to extraordinary. Instead of taking a straight-on photo of your subject, try crouching down or standing on a chair to get a unique perspective. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your shots, even if it means lying on the ground or climbing a tree to get the perfect angle! You’ll be amazed at the difference a shift in perspective can make. 

Tip #3

Get Up Close And Personal

One of the advantages of using a smartphone for photography is its ability to get up close and personal with your subject. Use the zoom feature to get up close to your family member. Be careful not to zoom in too much, as this can result in a grainy or blurry image. Instead, move closer to your subject and capture those details that make your family unique, such as their freckles or dimples. 

Tip #4

Use The Rule Of Thirds

The ‘Rule of Thirds’ is the photography principle of dividing an image horizontally and vertically into nine equal parts. Think, Tic-Tac-Toe board! The idea is to place your subject or points of interest on one of the intersections, creating a more visually pleasing and balanced photo. Most smartphone cameras have a grid feature that you can enable to help you apply this rule. 

Tip #5

Edit Your Photos

While taking great photos is ideal, editing can take your photos to the next level. Most smartphones include editing tools that help us adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation. Many applications provide filters and effects, which can also enhance the overall aesthetic of a photograph. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different editing techniques to find the style that best suits your family’s photos. Remember, editing should enhance your photos, not overpower them.

Tip #6

Don’t Forget The Candid Shots

Sometimes, the best photos are taken when your family doesn’t realize the camera is on. Candid shots can capture those fleeting moments of joy, laughter, and love that can be hard to pose for. Try to take photos of your family when they’re engaged in fun activities like playing in the park or cooking together in the kitchen.

Tip #7

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any skill, photography takes practice to master. Take the time to experiment with different techniques and settings on your smartphone camera, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. With practice, you’ll develop your style and be able to capture stunning photos of your family that you’ll be proud to share.


Capturing beautiful photos of your family with a smartphone is easier than you think. By adopting these tips and tricks, you’ll create images that capture the essence of your family’s love and joy. Remember to experiment with lighting, angles, and editing, and don’t forget to practice!

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12 Great Location Ideas For Senior Portraits

12 Great Location Ideas For Senior Portraits

…In and Near Vancouver, Washington

Finding the perfect location for a senior portrait session is crucial. Vancouver is home to many beautiful options that offer a variety of backgrounds for capturing the perfect senior portrait. I will suggest and describe some of the best venues for a senior portrait session in Vancouver, Washington.

Senior portraits are an important milestone in a young person’s life.

It is essential to capture this time in your life in a beautiful location that reflects who you are (or your senior is) and your personality and interests. Vancouver offers many stunning places that are perfect for senior portraits. In this guide, we will explore some of the top locations in Vancouver that provide an ideal backdrop for senior portraits.


Clark College Campus is a beautiful location that offers many options for senior portrait photography. The campus has many brick buildings and modern architecture, which creates a unique and urban feel. The campus also has many open spaces, including grassy fields and a courtyard that will provide a natural backdrop for senior portraits.


Fort Vancouver National Historic Site is another great location for senior portraits. This location has a rich history and offers a variety of backdrops, including historic buildings, gardens, and fields. The fort’s open spaces and natural surroundings provide a beautiful backdrop for portraits.


Esther Short Park is a popular location in downtown Vancouver and offers a classic backdrop for senior portraits. The park has many trees, fountains, and flowers that create a natural and tranquil setting. The park also has many benches and open spaces that provide many options for senior portraits.


Officers Row is a historic location that provides a unique and elegant backdrop for senior portraits. The site has many beautiful old homes and manicured gardens that create a classic and sophisticated feel. Officers Row is a popular location for senior portraits due to its timeless beauty.


Burnt Bridge Creek Trail is a beautiful location that offers a natural and rustic backdrop for senior portraits. The trail has many trees, fields, and bridges that create a peaceful and serene environment. This location is ideal for seniors who love the outdoors and want a natural setting for their portraits.


Frenchman’s Bar Park is another popular location for senior portraits due to its stunning waterfront views. The park has many trees, fields, and a beach that provides a natural and beautiful backdrop for senior portraits.


Lacamas Lake Regional Park is another good location for senior portraits. This location has many hiking trails, waterfalls, and lakes that create a natural and serene environment. The park’s open spaces and natural surroundings provide a variety of backdrops for senior portraits.


Salmon Creek Greenway Trail is a beautiful location that offers a natural and rustic backdrop for senior portraits. The trail has many trees, fields, and bridges that create a peaceful and serene environment. This location is ideal for seniors who love the outdoors and want a natural setting for their portraits.


Vancouver Waterfront Park is a developing yet spectacular part of downtown Vancouver that presents a captivating waterfront view. The park has many benches, trees, and open spaces that provide a variety of backdrops for senior portraits. This location is ideal for seniors who want a unique and modern vibe.


Klineline Pond is a beautiful location that offers a natural and serene environment for senior portraits. The park has many trees, paths, and a pond that helps create a peaceful and tranquil backdrop for senior portraits. This location is ideal for seniors who love the outdoors and want a natural setting.


Vancouver Lake Park is a popular location for senior portraits due to its stunning waterfront views. The park has many trees, fields, and a beach that provide a natural and beautiful backdrop for senior portraits. This location is ideal for seniors who want a unique and scenic location for their senior portraits.


Felida Park is a beautiful location that offers a natural and serene environment for senior portraits. The park has many trees, fields, and areas that can create a peaceful backdrop for senior portraits. This location is ideal for seniors who love the outdoors and want a natural or traditional setting.

In conclusion, Vancouver is home to many beautiful locations that are perfect for senior portrait photography. From urban campuses to natural trails and waterfront parks, Vancouver offers a variety of backdrops for capturing the perfect senior portrait. It’s crucial to consider your (or your senior’s) personality and interests when selecting a location for the portrait session. With this guide, you are well on your way to choosing the perfect environment for your senior portrait session. As always, Katsanes Photography is here to serve you well. If you’d like to discuss your senior portrait session and learn more about how we can work together, please call us at your convenience!

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How to Pick the Best Photographer For You

Looking for the best photographer in Vancouver, Washington? Discover how to identify your needs, research potential photographers, assess their style, experience, reputation, and services. Choose Ryan Katsanes of Katsanes Photography for exceptional results and a personalized experience.

How To Make Kids Comfortable During A Photo Session

How To Make Kids Comfortable During A Photo Session

How To Make Kids Comfortable During A Photo Session

Parent Guide Series

I can’t photograph your children daily, so I would love to empower you to make better photographs. Your family and friends will notice the effort, and your memories will be in focus, too!

How To Make Kids Comfortable During A Photo Session

Making photographs of children can be challenging, as they may feel uncomfortable or restless in front of the camera. However, with the right approach and a few helpful techniques, you can create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for kids during a photo session. This article will guide you through the process, providing parents with practical tips and strategies to make the experience smooth and successful.

Photographing children requires a different approach compared to adults. All parents know kids have boundless energy and limited attention spans, which can make them restless and uncooperative. However, following these tips, you can create an atmosphere that makes your kids comfortable and brings out their natural expressions.

Choose a Familiar Location

When planning a photo session with your kids, it is essential to select a location where they feel at ease. It could be their favorite park, home, or any familiar place. A typical setting helps children relax and allows them to be themselves, resulting in more authentic and memorable photographs.

Communicate and Connect

Before starting the session:

  1. Take some time to connect with the child.
  2. Get down to their eye level and engage in a friendly conversation.
  3. Show extra interest in their activities, hobbies, or toys.

Your rapport provides the ultimate trust and makes the child feel more comfortable around you.

Encourage Playfulness and Expressions

Children are naturally playful and expressive. Please encourage them to be themselves during the photo session. Organize activities or games that bring out their genuine emotions and expressions. Capture their laughter, curiosity, and joy as they engage in playful interactions.

Incorporate Props and Toys

Props and toys can be excellent tools to keep children engaged and interested during a photo session. Use colorful props that reflect your child’s interests and personality. Props add visual appeal to the photographs, allowing the child to interact and have fun.

Schedule the Session at the Right Time

Choosing the right time for the photo session is crucial when working with children. Consider their nap and meal times to ensure they are well-rested and not hungry during the session. Opt for when they are naturally more relaxed and less likely to be cranky or restless.

Be Patient and Flexible

Patience is critical when working with kids. They may only sometimes follow instructions or pose perfectly for the camera. Be flexible in your approach and allow them to express themselves freely. Give them space and time to settle into the session, and be ready to adapt your plans if needed.

Provide Breaks and Snacks

Children may need breaks during a photo session to recharge or refocus. Incorporate short intervals into the session, allowing them to rest or have a snack. These breaks help prevent fatigue and frustration, ensuring your child remains comfortable and cooperative throughout the session. Provide healthy snacks and beverages they enjoy, such as fruits, crackers, or juice boxes. These breaks rejuvenate the child and allow them to capture candid moments during relaxed snacking.

Involve Family or Friends

A familiar face nearby can provide children comfort and security during a photo session. Encourage family or friends to participate and be present. Their presence can help soothe the child’s anxiety or apprehension, resulting in more relaxed and natural photographs.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective technique to motivate and encourage children during a photo session. Praise their efforts, complement their poses or expressions, and make them feel proud of themselves. This positive feedback boosts their confidence and enthusiasm, creating a positive atmosphere.

Capture Candid Moments

Some of the most memorable and authentic photographs come from capturing candid moments. While posed shots are essential, remember to watch for spontaneous interactions, genuine laughter, or quiet moments of reflection. Candid photographs capture the true essence of the child’s personality and emotions.

Utilize Music and Entertainment

Music can be a powerful tool to set the mood and create a relaxed atmosphere during a photo session. Choose upbeat, age-appropriate music that your kid enjoys. You can also incorporate entertainment such as bubbles, balloons, or a favorite toy to keep their attention and make the session more enjoyable.

Keep the Session Short and Engaging

Children have limited attention spans, so keeping the photo session short and engaging is crucial. Plan activities or poses that are fun and exciting for them. Switch locations or props to maintain their interest. You can capture their attention and enthusiasm by keeping the session dynamic and captivating.

Be Prepared for Unexpected Situations

Having children means always being prepared for the unexpected. They may have mood swings, tantrums, or sudden changes in behavior. Stay calm, patient, and adaptable. Have backup plans, props, or activities ready to redirect their focus and keep the session going smoothly.

Capturing beautiful and natural photographs of your children requires creating a comfortable and enjoyable environment. You can ensure a successful and enjoyable photo session by choosing familiar locations, building rapport, encouraging playfulness, and being flexible. Remember to prioritize your child’s comfort and allow their personalities to shine for genuinely memorable photographs.

10 Strategies For Capturing Genuine Smiles From Children

10 Strategies For Capturing Genuine Smiles From Children

10 Strategies For Capturing Genuine Smiles From Children

Parent Guide Series

I can’t photograph your children daily, so I would love to empower you to make better photographs. Your family and friends will notice the effort, and your memories will be in focus, too!

10 Strategies For Capturing Genuine Smiles From Children

At Katsanes Photography, we recognize the significance of preserving authentic and joyful moments in photos, especially when involving children. As a professional photographer and expert in family photography, I have honed my skills in eliciting genuine smiles from kids. In this comprehensive guide, I share my top ten techniques guaranteed to assist you in capturing those precious smiles in your photos.

1) Establish a Relaxing Atmosphere

Extracting genuine emotion from children requires creating a comfortable and relaxed environment. Opt for a familiar location like their home or a frequently visited park. A setting they recognize will help them feel at ease, allowing their true personalities to shine through in the photographs.

2) Build a Connection

Establishing a connection with the children before the photoshoot is essential. Take the time to engage in conversation, get to know their interests, and make them feel comfortable in your presence. Engage in discussions that ignite their enthusiasm. This will help establish trust and rapport. When children feel a genuine connection, their smiles appear more natural and radiant.

3) Embrace Playfulness

Children are naturally drawn to playfulness and fun. Utilize this to your advantage by incorporating playful elements into the photographs. Bring their favorite toys, use props, or engage in play activities. By making the session enjoyable, you’ll create a lively and joyful atmosphere, resulting in genuine smiles captured in your photographs.

4) Capture Candid Moments

Some of the most authentic smiles come from candid moments. Instead of solely focusing on posed shots, be prepared to capture spontaneous, unscripted moments. Keep your camera ready and snap photos during those unplanned and magical instances when the children are engaged in an activity or sharing a genuine laugh.

5) Utilize Humor and Jokes

Humor can be a powerful tool in eliciting genuine smiles from children. Have a repertoire of age-appropriate jokes, funny faces, or silly sounds that can bring a smile to their faces. Laughter is contagious, and when children see you having fun, they will be more inclined to join in and express their happiness through smiles.

6) Encourage Sibling or Friend Interaction

If the children have siblings or close friends present during the session, encourage them to interact and play together. Capturing their genuine connections and shared laughter will result in heartwarming photos with natural smiles. Suggest games or activities that promote interaction and cooperation, fostering an environment where happiness naturally unfolds.

7) Timing is Crucial

Selecting the right time to create portraits can significantly impact the children’s moods and smiles. Avoid scheduling the session during nap time or when they are hungry or tired. Opt for a time when they are well-rested and energized. Respecting their natural rhythms ensures a positive and smile-filled experience.

8) Provide Positive Reinforcement

Offering positive reinforcement throughout the photoshoot can work wonders in capturing genuine smiles. Acknowledge their efforts, complement their poses, and praise their cooperation. This positive feedback will boost their confidence and encourage them to provide their best smiles. Remember, children thrive on encouragement and validation.

9) Be Patient and Flexible

Working with children requires patience and adaptability. Understand that each child is unique and may require different approaches to feel comfortable. Some children need more time to warm up, while others prefer specific poses or activities. Be flexible and open to their needs, adjusting your techniques accordingly. Patience and flexibility lead to more authentic and captivating smiles in your photos.

10) Capture Genuine Emotions

While smiles are undoubtedly delightful, capturing genuine emotions goes beyond just a smile. Capturing the authentic emotions of children adds depth and storytelling to your photos, as they express a wide range of emotions. Encourage the children to express their feelings naturally. Whether it’s laughter, surprise, curiosity, or even a thoughtful gaze. These genuine emotions will create compelling and memorable photographs that stand out.

In conclusion, capturing genuine smiles from children in photos is a skill that requires a combination of techniques and a connection with the little ones. No one has a stronger connection to their subject than a parent! Creating a comfortable environment, affirming your bond, incorporating playfulness, capturing candid moments, using humor, and encouraging sibling or friend interaction, you evoke genuine smiles that radiate joy and happiness. Remember to choose the right timing, provide positive reinforcement, and be patient and flexible, and you will capture a range of genuine emotions. By implementing these ten effective strategies, your family photographs will stand out and bring endless smiles to those who view them.

At Katsanes Photography, we believe every child deserves to have their true essence captured in photographs. By following these techniques, you’ll not only capture beautiful smiles, but you’ll also create lasting memories that families will cherish for a lifetime. Let your creativity and passion for photography shine through, and watch as your work stands out among other websites, reaching a wider audience who appreciates the authenticity and genuine moments you capture.

Remember, photography is an art form, and the power of a genuine smile can brighten any photograph. So grab your camera, apply these techniques, and embark on a journey of capturing the purest and most joyful expressions from children in your photos.

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